Ordinary Council Meeting
12 December 2024, 7:00 PM
All minutes are subject to confirmation at a subsequent
meeting and may be amended by resolution at that meeting.
PRESENT: Councillor Southwood (Mayor), Councillor Bennison, Councillor Bryla, Councillor Flood, Councillor Greenwell, Councillor Kennedy, Councillor Little, Councillor Roenfeldt and Councillor Taylor.
ALSO PRESENT: General Manager, Director - Corporate Services and Strategy, Director - Planning and Sustainability, Director - Open Spaces and Infrastructure, and Minute Taker.
Councillor Southwood declared a non-pecuniary, non significant conflict of interest in respect of the following items:
1.1 - Notice of Rescission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land;
1.2 - Notice of Rescission - Dogs on Sportsfields;
2.1 - Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval; and,
2.2. Notice of Motion - Companion Animals in our community - working towards a respectful and harmonious solution, as Councillor Greenwell was on Councillor Southwood’s ticket for the recent local government elections and Councillor Greenwell has a dog walking business. Councillor Southwood is also a dog owner.
The motions proposed in Items 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.2 relate to dogs and dog owners generally, and the motions have the potential to impact all dog owners. Councillor Southwood will stay in the room and vote on these items.
Councillor Bryla declared a non-pecuniary, not significant conflict of interest in Item 2.1 - Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval, as she is a member of the Lane Cove Bushland Society and a dog owner.
Councillor Bryla declared a non-pecuniary, not significant conflict of interest in motion 2.8 Notice of Motion - Central Ward Reduction of Speed - Traffic Study and Implementation, as she lives in the one of the streets proposed for the Traffic Study area of Central Ward.
Councillor Bryla will stay in the room and vote on these items.
Councillor Greenwell declared non-significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interests regarding Item 1.1 - Notice of Rescission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land, and Item 2.1 - Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval.
Councillor Greenwell owns a local pet care business and occasionally uses Bob Campbell Oval as one of the many open spaces available across Lane Cove and surrounding suburbs for her business activities.
As item 1.1 and 2.1 do not propose banning dogs from the field, Councillor Greenwell does not see a substantial impact on her business, as people can still bring their dogs to sports games as they always have, meaning there is no compulsion for anyone to employ pet care services.
Additionally, the decision whether to include or not include a dog park at Bob Campbell Oval does not affect her business. A dedicated dog park is not essential for her operations, and if needed, she could utilise the many other dog parks available in Lane Cove or nearby areas.
Councillor Greenwell will stay in the room and vote on these items.
Councillor Kennedy declared a non-pecuniary, not significant conflict of interest in motion 2.8 Notice of Motion - Central Ward Reduction of Speed - Traffic Study and Implementation, as she lives in the one of the streets proposed for the Traffic Study area of central ward. Councillor Kennedy will remain in the Chamber and vote on the item.
The Mayor gave an acknowledgement of Country.
Minute of Silence for Reflection or Prayer
The Mayor gave notice of a minute of silence for reflection or prayer.
The Mayor advised those present that the Meeting was being webcast.
1. Don Murchison of Greenwich, in relation to the Preservation of Iconic Street Trees.
In Person
2. John Fegan of Northwood, in relation to Item 3.4, Bob Campbell Oval Upgrade Progress,
3. Margaret Curly of Northwood, on behalf of Northwood Action Group, in relation to Item 3.4, Bob Campbell Oval Upgrade Progress,
4. Ruth Neumann of Lane Cove North, in relation to Item 2.7, Notice of Motion - Origin Destination Study: Karilla Avenue Lane Cove North,
5. Dr Liz Gill of Greenwich, in relation to Transparency and Accountability. Public recreation and Gore Creek Reserve. Footpath along Viva fence line on Greenwich Road,
6. Shauna Forest, Vice President of the Lane Cove Bushland and Conservation Society, in relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land, Item 2.1, Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval, and Item 2.2, Notice of Motion - Companion Animals in our community - working towards a respectful and harmonious solution, and item 2.3.
7. June Hefferan of Lane Cove North, representing Lane Cove North Residents Assoc, in relation to Item 2.7, Notice of Motion - Origin Destination Study: Karilla Avenue Lane Cove North,
8. Norma Stuart of Longueville, in relation to Item 3.4, Bob Campbell Oval Upgrade Progress,
9. Matthew Norton of Lane Cove, in relation to Item 2.1, Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval,
10. Richard Muller of Greenwich, in relation to Item 2.9, Notice of Motion - Report on Proposed Tender(s) - Sport and Recreation Facility Operation and Management,
11. Charles Verge of Lane Cove North, in relation to Item 2.7, Notice of Motion - Origin Destination Study: Karilla Avenue Lane Cove North,
12. Frances Vissel of Lane Cove North, in relation to in relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land, and
13. Jenny Schneller of Northwood, regarding C2 and RE1 Land at Bob Campbell Oval
Councillor Kennedy left the meeting, the time being 07:46 PM
Councillor Kennedy returned to the meeting, the time being 07:49 PM
14. Craig Hendricks of St Leonards, in relation to Council’s acquisition of land for a park.
Written Submissions
Twelve (12) written submissions were received, those being from:
1. Wendy Vines of Greenwich, in relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land and Item 2.1, Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval,
2. Petrina Slaytor of Greenwich, in relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land and Item 2.1, Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval,
3. Karmen Karamanian, President Lane Cove Netball Club, in relation to Item 2.9, Notice of Motion - Report on Proposed Tender(s) - Sport and Recreation Facility Operation and Management,
4. Shauna Forest, Vice President of the Lane Cove Bushland and Conservation Society, in relation to Item 2.2, Notice of Motion - Companion Animals in our community - working towards a respectful and harmonious solution,
5. Kathy Dunai of Lane Cove, in relation to relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land,
6. Suzette Miller of Lane Cove, in relation to in relation to Item 2.2, Notice of Motion - Companion Animals in our community - working towards a respectful and harmonious solution,
7. Sharon Coley of St Leonards, in relation to Item 2.5, Notice of Motion - Keeping Community informed as to Proposed Removal of Trees and Significant Vegetation by Council on Council Land,
8. Alex Vaccher of Lane Cove, in relation to Item 2.9, Notice of Motion - Report on Proposed Tender(s) - Sport and Recreation Facility Operation and Management,
9. Sjirk Bangma, President Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group, in relation to Item 2.3, Notice of Motion – Climate Emergency Reporting Motion,
10. Jennifer Schneller of , in relation to Item 1.1, Notice of Recission - - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land and Item 2.1, Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval,
11. Ruth Neumann of Lane Cove North, in relation to Item 2.7, Notice of Motion - Origin Destination Study: Karilla Avenue Lane Cove North, and
12. Sue Gould of Riverview, in relation to Item 2.5, Notice of Motion - Keeping Community informed as to Proposed Removal of Trees and Significant Vegetation by Council on Council Land.
Councillor Roenfeldt advised that Broken Hill Council has withdrawn from Local Government NSW, which will result in the current President of LGNSW, Darriea Turley AM, ending her term on 24 December 2024. On behalf of Council, Councillor Roenfeldt would like to thank Councillor Turley for her leadership and dedication, and wish her all the best in the continuation of her representation of the residents of Broken Hill.
Councillor Southwood spoke of the fatal motor vehicle accident on Mowbray Road on 28 November 2024. On behalf of Council, Councillor Southwood would like to express sympathy to the family of Lane Cove resident Karina Durante, who passed away following this accident. Our thoughts are with her family.
Item L.1 Mayoral Minute - Workforce Planning. |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Southwood that Councillors receive at Council’s forthcoming corporate planning weekend a report on: 1. the processes in place, or to be undertaken by Council, to manage staff retention and sharing of key knowledge and experience to mitigate one of the key challenges of an ageing workforce nearing retirement; and 2. a comparison from 2014/2015 to present of Council’s workforce statistics against publicly available information for other metropolitan councils within the same OLG Category · annual permanent voluntary separation rate (excluding casual and temporary staff) · number of employees (and how many FTE employees this equates to) and · leave accruals · overtime · absenteeism. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 1.1 Notice of Rescission - Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval on C2 Land |
A Motion was moved by Councillor Little and seconded by Councillor Bennison that Council rescind the resolution passed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 21 November 2024 regarding the removal of the dog enclosure and fencing at Bob Campbell Oval, viz:- “That Council: 1. does not provide a dog off-leash enclosure at the northern end of Bob Campbell Oval; 2. retains the area to the north of the sports field as shared recreation space; 3. removes the section of fencing at the north end of the site that is located within C2 zoned land, with the cost of removal of the fence to be funded from the project budget; 4. undertakes planting consistent with C2 zoning to enhance the area north of the sports field as a shared recreation space; 5. in the event that there is no budget for the works in 4 above in Council’s 2024-25 budget, to procure an estimate of the cost of these works, with a view to inclusion in the Council budget for 2025-26; 6. prioritises the implementation of its dog education program to ensure that dog owners are fully informed as to their responsibility to ensure that their use of grassed sports fields for dog-walking is consistent with Council regulations and with their responsibility to ensure that the actions of their dogs do not pose a risk to other users of the fields; and 7. seeks advice on whether this C2 area would be an appropriate site for the Annual Planet Ark Community Tree planting which takes place every year in Lane Cove.” |
Upon being put to the vote the Motion was declared lost.
For the Motion were Councillors Bennison, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 4). Against the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell and Kennedy (Total 5). |
Notices of Motion
Item 2.1 Notice of Motion - Retention of the Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval |
The Motion was not considered as Item 1.1 - Notice of Rescission – Enclosed Dog Exercise Area at Bob Campbell Oval, was lost. |
The Motion was not considered as Item 1.12- Notice of Rescission – Dogs on Sportsfields,was withdrawn. |
Item 2.3 Notice of Motion - Climate Emergency Reporting Motion |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Kennedy and seconded by Councillor Bryla that Council:- 1. Draft a Climate Emergency Plan (to replace the current Climate Resilience Plan due for review in 2026) and adjust Section Two of the Lane Cove Community Strategic Plan - Liveable Lane Cove (2035) to include its commitment to the Climate Emergency Declaration as an overarching principle, guiding all Council decision-making processes across each CSP theme. Engage with the community and establish questions on how the goals and objectives in the current CSP could be aligned with the revised emissions targets. The Climate Emergency Plan is to outline the Council’s path to meet the revised Climate Emergency Goals. 2. When updating the Delivery Program and the Sustainability Action Plan in 2025, commit to a Lane Cove Council Administration net-zero target of 2028 and commit to an aspirational LGA net-zero target of 2040 (recognising that Local Government can only aid the community to achieve these emissions targets). 3. Identify any additional resourcing (staff and budgetary) needs required to pursue these goals. 4. Develop a page for the Council website specifically communicating the Climate emergency and how we are addressing our plan (see ATT-1, ATT-2, ATT-3). 5. Explore options for implementing a check register that demonstrates to the community and governing body how the decision-making process for every motion or report presented to the Council aligns with the following key considerations such as: · Environmental Sustainability, including the Climate Emergency (in relation to the Climate Emergency Plan), · Equity, Inclusion, Wellbeing, and Human Rights, · Economic and Cultural Development, · Operational/Budget Impacts, recognising that value for money extends beyond the price paid, · Legal and Risk Implications. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 8). Against the Motion was Councillor Bennison (Total 1). |
Councillor Taylor left the meeting, the time being 08:22 PM
Councillor Taylor returned to the meeting, the time being 08:25 PM
Item 2.4 Notice of Motion - Plan for Water Sensitive Urban Design Principles and greater Water Reuse |
That Council: 1. Provide a report to Council, prior to the preparation of the 2025/26 budget, on resourcing and funds required to implement the actions below: a. An audit of existing water systems, infrastructure, and environmental conditions. b. Identification of areas prone to flooding, water scarcity, or pollution to prioritise interventions. c. Assessment of the community’s water usage patterns and potential for stormwater reuse. d. An outline of current gross pollutant trap numbers and location and where none are currently installed but are needed. e. A Summary of all council-owned facilities as to how they reuse water and where gaps occur. f. The costs to engage a consultant team to produce a Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy for Lane Cove that covers but is not limited to how we can incorporate: i. Stormwater management: Bioswales, rain gardens, and constructed wetlands. ii. Water reuse: Greywater systems, rainwater harvesting, and stormwater recycling. iii. Permeability: Green roofs, permeable pavements, and infiltration trenches. g. Investigate and implement new communication strategies, workshops and campaigns i. to raise community awareness on how we can keep our waterways clean, as well as promote the rebates Council offers for rainwater capture (up to $250 for single dwellings, $2000 for unit dwellings and $1000 for business (refer resolution 48/2023) ii. to raise awareness about the benefits of WSUD among residents and businesses. iii. to encourage community participation in water-sensitive initiatives. 2. Invite a member from the Sydney Water Business Development team to present to key council staff and Councillors on the work they’re undertaking. |
This Motion was withdrawn. |
Item 2.6 Notice of Motion - Implement Smart Bin Community Earn and Return Bottles and Cans |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Roenfeldt that : 1. The installation of smart bottle and can recycling bins as outlined in this motion be considered for inclusion in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan and Budget for 2025/2026; and 2. Council obtains costings, technical specifications for the installation and ongoing use of the smart bottle and can recycling bins initially in high traffic areas, including exploring the process that would permit the cost effective distribution of refund income to local Not for Profit groups and the option of partnering with local groups for consideration at the 2025 Corporate Planning Weekend.
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 2.7 Notice of Motion - Origin Destination Study: Karilla Avenue Lane Cove North |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Flood and seconded by Councillor Bryla that Council: 1. Consider the inclusion in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan and Budget for 2025/2026 the undertaking of an Origin-Destination study for cars using Karilla Avenue to help evaluate whether the traffic calming measures have reduced the volume of cars using the two-way rat run, 2. Undertake the Origin-Destination study within 12 months of the Karilla Avenue traffic calming measures being installed. The study should assess rat-running (based on the accepted Transport for NSW definition of rat-running) during the recognised peak travel times and it shall not be done during school holidays. It should, as closely as possible, mirror the study undertaken previously to provide a good point of comparison, 3. Receive a report comparing the new Origin-Destination study data to the baseline results from the 2015/2016 study. If the study does not show a significant reduction in rat-running, the report should outline additional measures available to address specific concerns with the Karilla Avenue rat-run. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy and Taylor (Total 6). Against the Motion were Councillors Bennison, Little and Roenfeldt (Total 3). |
Councillor Bryla left the meeting, the time being 09:02 PM
Councillor Bryla returned to the meeting, the time being 09:06 PM
Item 2.8 Notice of Motion - Central Ward Reduction of Speed - Traffic Study and Implementation. |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Bryla and seconded by Councillor Kennedy that Council: 1. Take action to improve the safety for both cars and pedestrians in Central Ward within the area contained inside the red boundary outline as shown on the map AT-1 (and including Finlayson Street); 2. Commence the process with Community Engagement with the Central Ward community to identify specific traffic-related concerns; 3. Receive a report on the cost of conducting a traffic study in Central Ward, focusing on improving safety for both cars and pedestrians, with the objective of reducing speed limits to 40 km/h in the area; 4. Include this project in the Liveable Lane Cove 2035, Community Strategic Plan update for this term of Council, and the project be considered for inclusion in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan and Budget for 2025/2026; and. 5. This motion recognises that Council is currently working on the “River Road West – Proposal for Traffic Safety Improvement Works”. This motion aims to complement, include and build on the actions taken by this current road works project. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 2.9 Notice of Motion - Report on Proposed Tender(s) - Sport and Recreation Facility Operation and Management |
MOTION Councillor Bennison proposed the following Foreshadowed Motion: That Council: 1. Acknowledges that Councillors have previously passed a resolution authorising the General Manager to proceed to tender, 2. Acknowledges that at recent workshop of Councillors were briefed on the community first approach to will apply to the management of the facility, 3. Acknowledges that the General Manager has already indicated that he will include a suitability qualified person from another council who has experience in sports centres management to be on the tender evaluation panel. |
This Foreshadowed motion for Item 2.9 was not considered as the motion was carried. |
Officer Reports for Determination
Item 3.2 Lane Cove Council Awarded Local Sustainability Award at LGNSW Excellence in the Environment Awards |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Flood and seconded by Councillor Bryla that Council receive and note the report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.3 Update on support for local women's refuge and families in need |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Roenfeldt and seconded by Councillor Taylor that Council receives and notes this report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.4 Bob Campbell Oval Upgrade Progress |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Roenfeldt and seconded by Councillor Bryla that Council receives and notes the report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.6 Traffic Committee 19 November 2024 |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Little and seconded by Councillor Kennedy that Council adopt the recommendations of the Lane Cove Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 19 November 2024. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.7 Hidden Disability Sunflower Program |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Bennison and seconded by Councillor Taylor that Council receive and note the report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.8 Lane Cove's 12 Beetles of Christmas |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Bennison and seconded by Councillor Flood that Council receive and note the report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Item 3.10 Delegation of Authority During Christmas and Ordinary Council Meeting Recess |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Southwood and seconded by Councillor Greenwell that Council, in accordance with Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, appoint a Committee comprising of the Mayor and the General Manager, or in their absence a delegate of the Mayor and/or the person acting as General Manager, to deal with and determine, urgent matters arising during the Christmas and Ordinary Council Meeting recess until 20 February 2025, in such cases applying Council’s policies, or where no such policies exist, exercising appropriate caution. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
Officer Reports for Information
Item 4.1 Council Snapshot November 2024 |
RESOLVED on the motion moved by Councillor Roenfeldt and seconded by Councillor Southwood that Council receive and note the report. |
For the Motion were Councillors Southwood, Bennison, Bryla, Flood, Greenwell, Kennedy, Little, Roenfeldt and Taylor (Total 9). Against the Motion was Nil (Total 0). |
The meeting closed at 10.41pm
Confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 20 February 2025, at which meeting the signature herein is subscribed.
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